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Safe Social Media for Kids
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Sticky Reviews: Refers to the reviews displayed directly on the App Store app details page. To view other reviews, you need to click "View all" in the App Store.
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Never playing with game again

By NDEmily   

I’m not allowed to have any kind of non kids safe social media and have been looking for apps like this for a long time when I finally got this app I was so excited my mom and I almost signed in but stoped because I asked for my moms social security number and my moms birthday like WHAT?? It’s a kids safe TikTok! Don’t get this app unless you want your very personal info to be out there in a APP! Please fix this right now this is not okay!

07/25/2024 14:08:53
I hade to delete my account😠

By dragon maker🐉   

My videos where not posting so I hade to delete my channel

Developer Replies Reply Time 07/12/2024

We'd love to help with your videos. Please email us at [email protected]

07/25/2024 13:02:08
Such a good app!

By Taytaywithat   

It looked a bit weird in the beginning but I LOVE IT

07/25/2024 00:20:30
great but…

By ItzAva013   

it’s a great app… but there is one problem that I need to tell. so basically when I make a video, I put it in public and let it load and I tell my ex friend to go check out my video! but then she says that there is only two videos when I had like 7 or 8 and they were definitely public! so I ask my ex friend to make a video about it and she did and her video uploaded… so I don’t know. And it keeps doing this OVER AND OVER again so if you guys can fix that I would be so much happier with Zigazoo but for now it’s kind of boring because of the bug I just said but overall a good app!💫

Developer Replies Reply Time 04/19/2024

Hello! Every video is moderated before it makes the feed on Zigazoo, so our guess is your video is going through our moderation process! Please email us at [email protected], as we'd love to check for you!

07/24/2024 23:50:51
Amazing app!!!

By Miboo😜   

I really like this app I just have a few suggestions 1 I think that the videos should be at least 1 minute long not for just premium 2 I think there should be comments because i don’t want to make a video commenting on videos 3 I think people should be able to name there videos instead of having to find one that says what they want or there might not be one that says what they are going to do on the video and instead of free form video or what’s on your mind
But overall I really like it because my mom is protective of me so she doesn’t let me have any social media so this for kids is what I like so she lets me post things

07/24/2024 22:16:38
Seems interesting but one BIG problem

By Cece062211   

So when I asked my parents if I could have TikTok and they said no and so I started deciding to search up kids safe media and that’s when I found this interesting video editor called CapCut and then I was like I don’t want people to see my videos in so I searched up safe media again and I found this It came interesting at first and then when I got it to be download it I was about to open the app and be so excited when it lagged and then blocked me out I have no idea what to do please respond back and these little bugs you say NO! These are KILLING!!!ME!!! Pleas answer right away

07/24/2024 18:45:28

By Frommakeupdreamact   

It is the best once you get on you have to sign in tho but it’s all the wait you get anything ! And everything if you see they sub to your channel and actually show. And it’s so protective! No adults! And no bad things happen ! Kids free! Can even do anything with! It’s like a kids free TikTok ! I love this app! It’s the best ! You should come to!

07/24/2024 05:11:02
I think it’s changing

By Marleymcnarley   

So as you know zigazoo is a social media app for kids and now I am seeing like dances that I don’t think are appropriate like the Tyla dance

07/23/2024 23:35:33

By BaileyHosch   

My mom apparently is not my mom like??

07/23/2024 23:02:46

By BryanAcnz   

Don’t get me wrong I love zigazoo but sometimes the videos never post even when I worked really hard on them. When I try to make fun videos on my friends channel I see her post it then when I check it’s not there.

07/23/2024 22:41:11
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