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CapCut - Video Editor
Video maker with music
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Great app but…

By Fr3nch_t0astSt1cks   

This app is awesome I admit, but there’s been a VERY annoying glitch for me. When I try to put an animation onto text it keeps making it so hard to make it slow or fast. For example, I was making an edit and choose the animation “tremble” then on the bottom of my screen it says “fast” and “slow” but when I try to most the little dot over to slow, it wont move. It’s been very annoying. Sometimes it moves, but otherwise it doesn’t. I literally chucked my phone across the room. Please fix this glitch capcut.

07/25/2024 16:41:09
my problem with pro

By Veronica.632   

Hi capcut! So ive been using capcut for about 4-5 years and I love it so much. My one problem is freaking pro. I get it, yall wanna make money but the thing is, everything is freaking PRO. There was this one filter I used all the time but then it became pro 🧍🏽‍♀️and im a tiktok editor so I use capcut for a lot of stuff. And the same thing with effects and fonts. Like why does the FPS effect have to be pro. Also, the auto captions and lyrics. Why are those text options now becoming pro when it was free this whole entire time. And what even is the point of pro if yall never had it for all these years. Like at this point add ads to pro stuff or make pro cheaper. Please reach back out to me and please think about removing pro (if yall not broke).

07/25/2024 16:32:39
Very useful, but somewhat helpful

By Tyrell Mincey   

Hi, I’ve been using this app for a good few weeks for edits and different videos. But I’ve seen to come across a problem. I recently started doing reverse edits. They have been doing extremely good, up until now and a few day ago. every time I try to reverse a video, it stops at 95% and then it starts over and says could not reverse. This problem has also been going on with different people because I have found numerous of people with this problem. some people are on TikTok saying that they have problems with using reverse on CapCut. please take your time to care for me reason and respond to me whenever you can. Thank you:

07/25/2024 16:31:36
Major disappointing downgrade

By Temmie Chara   

The predominant reason I began utilizing CapCut was because of auto captions and how it was simple easy and free to use. Now it’s been revoked and placed behind a paywall, even with non “pro” captions
Please revert back
And for those that have yet to update, don’t

07/25/2024 16:31:34
This game is addicting

By Reviewstar9990   

I love this game it is so fun and easy, this game is completely appropriate and there is not reason not to get it. It’s fun to make videos for yourself. You can sign in and save all of the videos you’ve already made, and it doesn’t ask for any personal information. So I definitely recommend this game and I can’t think of anything bad about this game except for sometimes you don’t know what to make a video about. There is no adds and I’m not just saying this like I’m on this game so much and there is completely no adds. There is a pro version but I am perfectly happy without the pro so…. I recommend. Thx for your time✌🏽

07/25/2024 16:12:37

By 🍃🐺{Mystic_On_🐾}🐺🍃   

So I was using it for a long time and it was vary good but eventually it started claiming I had no internet even though I had plenty also this has happened to a lot of people please fix it-

07/25/2024 16:05:55
I love Capcut, but..

By 🤪🥺🥰🤩   

I’ve been using Capcut for 2 years now,I used it before the pro membership came out. What I really dislike..is that y’all made some things that weren’t pro before,pro. It’s really unfair to some of us Capcut users because you just suddenly made non-pro things pro. It’s annoying and frustrating because I can’t use some of the features I used to anymore. Now I get if SOME things are pro but the majority of things are pro now. But despite that, this app is great. Thanks for reading!

07/25/2024 15:11:37
This app is a cash grab..

By ushshsgsyysys   

Auto captions were free before this app took them and made them a pro feature.
It’s quite annoying cause there assentintal to my content as ppl who might not understand the english language but able to read it can’t anymore.

07/25/2024 15:03:19
Used to be good, but they ruined it

By rishaan das   

CapCut used to be my main editor and really good because it had so many free good features. Even once they added pro, it still was really useful because the features I mainly used were still free and accessible. Recently, they made some of these features like remove background cost money even though it has been free from when CapCut was created. This might make me switch back to my old editors and I am very disappointed.

07/25/2024 14:36:03
I really like it I love making my videos with it but I do have a suggestion.

By Galaxy wolf Studios   

Ever since my previous video maker died I fully switched over to CapCut and I absolutely love it but I do have one complaint and I don’t know if it’s the new update or if it was intentional or not but now when you add overlays they’re instantly affected by special effects you add and not instantly above all of them so I have to go relayer them in every scene where there’s a special effect.
Also, I feel like there should be an option to instantly put all overlays above effects and everything else or below.
Also something I noticed a few days ago was that a lot of text templates are gone and there isn’t a search function so if they aren’t in a specific category they’re just gone now I guess.
Since I was trying to find one that would be in the old category of “love” but it no longer exists so it’s just gone now.
But other than that the app is really good and can make really high-quality nice looking videos, and some of this just might be fixed with updates later on.

07/25/2024 14:34:43
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