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it’s ok

By 😁😁🥰😘   

like i’m sick and tired of getting an ad after every single song i listen to. it’s like really annoying. and it’s the same ads every time

07/25/2024 16:34:18
Sophia’s Review abt Spotify

By lion girl🦁   

It is a really good app for listening to music I just hate that you have to pay for premium but overall I recommend downloading this app

07/25/2024 16:31:26
Les preniums

By cette application 5etoiles moi   

Moi , je sais pas mais nous ne sommes pas obligés d’être en prenuim dsl ne le prenez pas en mal mais s’il vous plaît enlevez le prenuim et mettez le pour ceux que vous voulez mais moi nan svp mercii

07/25/2024 16:26:32
very inconsistent

By nayyyxtiaNa   

spotify support is extremely unhelpful. after moving, i changed my region so i could still listen to music. post doing this i could not listen to ANY music. i asked support and they couldn’t give me answers, and instead by spotify, the app i was repeatedly being told i needed to get premium to continue listening even though id changed my region. (you can’t continue to listen to music out of your region after 14 days) so i deleted the app and redownloaded it and it’s still not working. i tried this multiple times powered off my device asked suppport again and it’s still not working. very unclear and unintelligent ways of being able to change things with ease and having easy access to music when something has to change. on top of this on the free plan you are supposed to be able to play playlists. when listening to a playlist spotify often redirects me to a song i’ve never heard that’s not on my playlist. very awfully put together app, and system.

07/25/2024 16:26:20

By 8lu3Drag0n   

Man let me tell ya, if you like music, you’ll love this app. And believe it or not, the premium version is actually worth it. Most apps don’t offer much when you pay for things, but this app is on point when it comes to more access along side bonus features. The include specialized playlist, unlimited ad free listening, like songs, and downloadable songs so you can even listen offline. One of my favorite features to use is the ability to listen with friends. I have found myself using this feature with my buddy while playing the game. And most importantly, its user friendly. If you want a trusted music app that doesn’t play games with there customers, this is the app for you. Spotify is known and loved by many, in fact, you probably have a friend or family member who uses this app. Spotify did not pay me to write this review, this is a team review by a real person who loves this app, and I promise that you will to. Unless your an android user, it’s to simple for y’all and y’all’s confusing phones😂 anyways enjoy

07/25/2024 16:18:27
It’s great buttt

By Zainy the best   

Spotify is great non the less but they should keep lyrics free and no samples
Like I found some great songs on here but in dont know the lyrics, and how am I gonna learn emir I don’t have the lyrics bro. So please make the lyrics freee I appreciate you time and effert to make this great app tho. Good job. Great songs picks

07/25/2024 16:12:49
It's pretty good

By Orrville-chan   

Creates playlists based on listening history, and keeps updating that "daylist" every few hours
Lets you save your own playlists, and make them available either publicly or privately
Wide, ever-expanding library of available tunes
Special access to show tickets for many artists' upcoming shows
No operating system preference, unlike Apple Music, so it's easier to swap between different systems for audio output
Paid service
Damning Cons:
Tencent definitely sends our data to the CCP

07/25/2024 16:12:20

By 🌸idk   

ads every 2 songs is wild

07/25/2024 16:07:14

By ultimatereviewrr   

i got spotify back in may it was good, but then june came limits on lyrics and 6 skips per day premium for lyrics and infinite skips i would have a problem with the song i hated i would play a song and some random song pops up please give us atleast 15 skips a day and 10 lyrics per month so please! so i rate this 4 stars but some difficulties. happy listening :)

07/25/2024 16:03:06
Super great app

By marleybear321   

I love basically everything about this app. I’ve only had it for about a week or two. I’ve always used Apple Music, and had to pay. Thankfully, (with ads) this is free. Everything about this app his high quality and fun. To the snippets of song, music video clips on the song, and being able to access other peoples public albums. They might be exactly what your looking for! The only reason Spotify isn’t 5 stars (so far) is just because of one detail that I don’t really like. Once I finish all the songs on my playlist, it starts playing random songs that aren’t on any of my playlists. It’s not a big deal whatsoever and it’s not something that bothers most people. I just think that feature could be removed or maybe at least an option to turn off in settings. Thank you so much for reading. Hope this helps!

07/25/2024 15:59:26
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