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Twitch: Live Streaming
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Sticky Reviews: Refers to the reviews displayed directly on the App Store app details page. To view other reviews, you need to click "View all" in the App Store.
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New app is garbage for mobile

By WCC Tech   

This TikTok style wannabe app has completely destroyed the mobile experience. Constantly locks up, volume is blasting on random video when apps opens and a new even worse problem. I want to listen to the stream by locking phone and press play on Lock Screen interface but plays 2 streams at the same time. It is playing the channel I entered into and the one that is playing on the stupid TikTok page. Come on Twitch, enough is enough. Go back to the build before the Twitch Tikflop feature. And no that is not a typo. This will stop the constant updates your are doing and people will be happy again. It’s not rocket science. #TwitchTikFlop

07/25/2024 14:34:16
New UI gets worse

By Wholsk   

I reviewed the app right when the new UI rolled out to complain about how much worse it was than what we had before, and yet with all these "bug fixes," the only thing that has changed has been that the app got worse. It'll randomly switch whatever stream I'm watching to the one it decided should be on my main feed when opening the app (which is still obnoxious that it exists at all), streams now will randomly reload ads after I've already had to sit through them in a stream which doubles the amount of ads I have to deal with, there is still no where to see both my list of followed channels and a list of recommended channels all in one place, it doesn't save what I was doing if I try browsing something in the app while having a stream loaded, and a myriad of other issues along the way. There is absolutely no reason the app should've been changed to how it currently looks and works, and there has not been a single positive change since doing that. Revert it back.

07/25/2024 14:33:59
Is this Twitter or Twitch?

By Jehdhenhxhd   

This is crazy I can’t even open this app in public anymore lol

07/25/2024 08:41:00
Twitch do better

By Why zxzzx   

These developers are updating the app for uniqueness not quality

07/25/2024 00:01:31
Please report the app for the new changes.

By Tarotcard2   

The new app layout is trying to copy tiktok for some reason and autoplays the first video in your following feed, which from what I have gathered, is against apple tos, so go report it.

07/24/2024 22:37:41
New Layout

By Ian Armour   

The new scrolling layout is terrible revert it before you lose customers!

07/24/2024 21:49:00
Horrible UI update

By Juan Chamingo   

Really bad choice by Twitch to overhaul the user interface they had. If it ain’t broke, why fix it? It’s definitely broken now.

07/24/2024 20:04:24
Suspended for nudity as a watcher?

By Tilly1182   

I was watching stardew valley streamers, I have never posted on twitch, I simply watch peeps play games as back ground noise and I left the room came back a while later and I saw I got suspended and I’ve been trying to contact everyone, like how? And I’m getting no help so honestly makes not wanna use it anymore :/

07/24/2024 19:14:17
Ads too much

By Farhangtunes   

No ads in before

07/24/2024 18:18:00
Can’t see the Live Stream it’s only Audio

By Shadow1342_X   

FIX THIS APP ALREADY!! Its been almost a month since I see Audio and no Video Live Streams

07/24/2024 17:48:09
No data yet.No data yet.
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