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Sticky Reviews: Refers to the reviews displayed directly on the App Store app details page. To view other reviews, you need to click "View all" in the App Store.
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Good app Gone Bad!

By Lotsa De Sunshine   

I use to love this app! My friends always wanted me to play the music. Not anymore!! I just saw where they updated the app 3 days ago and it’s crapier than EVER!!! Continues glitches! Now, I can’t even find my downloaded music. Customer help is non-responsive or nonexistent!!

07/25/2024 13:54:18
Love Youtube music but

By SauceKage   

Please add a separate app for youtube music onto consoles. I cant listen to music on my xbox and game at the same time i feel like you guys wouldnt have to go through much trouble to add yt music onto the new gen consoles

07/25/2024 13:07:42
At times, unusable.

By shrimp 🦐   

Me and my partner wanted to give this app a try because it was a perk of yt premium, as well as having a wider range of music by super small artists. After two weeks of use, I’ve found myself running right back to SoundCloud. YouTube music is unusable when there is no service available. The app offers the setting to download your desired tracks, which in concept is fantastic- but when there’s no wifi or service the app can’t even populate the menu in order to even GET to the downloaded songs, defeating the purpose entirely. I live in a relatively wooded area where often I am in a dead zone. When I try to listen to music on the road, the app is absolutely useless. SoundCloud has this concept down pat already, and can populate the main menu without any sort of internet connection, giving me access to my downloaded songs anywhere with no issue. Another gripe I have with this app is the actual quality of the music. The music quality is significantly less than SoundCloud or Spotify. The bass from this app is less punchy, and kinda has a smooth glossy film over it, making everything sound… less than what it should be. It’s unattractive, especially when I came off SoundCloud’s platform. I would love to keep giving yt music a chance, but now is definitely not the time, more development must be made before I commit to this app full time for my music.

07/25/2024 13:06:14
Love it but needs to change

By Koltonamor   

I like this app for different reasons like when I press a song I don’t have to listen to the whole album but what needs to change is the background play because there is no way I’m paying $15 bucks an month and whenever my phone turns off I have to open the app back up and press play which is a bit of a hassle when your doing other things as well

07/25/2024 12:12:18
Barley mediocre app, great variety of music

By Tjajfmrkci   

It’s great that I can add both music files from the app and YouTube into my playlists. My biggest complaint is how frequently the app randomly stops working if I do something with my phone. Connect to Apple CarPlay and the app restarts. Open my camera for a quick photo and the app restarts. Briefly watch a 10sec video on another app and the app restarts. Takes a long time for playlists/downloaded music to load and play… like why is it even downloaded then?

07/25/2024 11:26:41
Listener Improvements

By Listener Improvements   

If I select an artist for a radio, it just gives me a lot of the same songs over and over again. I would like for the discovery mode to actually give me new artists and music within genres when I select a better known artist for a radio.

07/25/2024 10:26:29
Best music app

By FindMyKind   

I tried them all, Spotify, Apple Music, Amazon music. Nothing beats Google music or currently YouTube music. You can find any track or song you’re looking for an enjoy the entire album, shuffle of the artist or radio station of your choice.

07/25/2024 10:21:27
Music and Videos

By Eroslegend   

A great App for listening to music, however in video mode it freezes when going to the next song. I thought you guys fixed that problem?

07/25/2024 08:23:34

By Pizzzzzaaaaa🦄   

The app was good until they took background listening away and put it for premium only like why

07/25/2024 07:56:04
Great but there is one issue

By Isaiah Roche   

I have a playlist titled “Music” on the account “Opium Radioactive” or “@OpiumRadioactive” that has 250+ songs and it doesn’t generate all of the songs when I start it from the start of the playlist, I don’t believe anyone has done this, but I think I’m the first. I have to start it at the end of the playlist before listening to the playlist in shuffle mode, and on the song 3G in the playlist, it doesn’t generate the all of the playlist, it goes from song “TRAGIC” to “goosebumps” and misses tons of songs. Like I said, I think this is the first time anyone has had this large of a playlist before. I would like to have an extension to generate the whole playlist even though the playlist may be 1000+ songs long

07/24/2024 21:13:06
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